Home Control Options

See It
Protect It
Set It
Easy Access
Remote Control
Manage energy costs with smart touchscreen thermostats
Energy costs hardly ever go down! Energy management will save you money on utility bills and help your family live a greener lifestyle.
Controlling your thermostat is as easy as activating your home automation system. You can adjust and monitor your thermostat from anywhere, and that makes it easy to keep the heat down (or the air conditioning up) during the day, then turn it back to a more comfortable level before you head home.

Remotely control your smart lights, indoors or out
Energy costs hardly ever go down! Energy management will save you money on utility bills and help your family live a greener lifestyle.
Controlling your thermostat is as easy as activating your home automation system. You can adjust and monitor your thermostat from anywhere, and that makes it easy to keep the heat down (or the air conditioning up) during the day, then turn it back to a more comfortable level before you head home.

Monitor your home remotely with wireless security cameras
Use your laptop or smartphone and stay connected to your kids, pets and property with a home automation system featuring video capabilities. See what is going on in real time.
Check in on your sitter, know when your kids show up after school, check on the dog or check in on an elderly parent. You do not have to wonder what is going on—you can see it using your smartphone, tablet or PC.

Secure your home remotely with automatic electronic door locks
Did you ever have to run home and let a service person into your house? Have you ever worried about all of the extra keys floating around for your home? Does everyone in the neighborhood know the code to your garage door keypad?
You can end all of these problems with our Smartcode lock that let you operate locks remotely using your smartphone, tablet or PC. Let the kids in or check to make sure you remembered to lock a door, and do it all remotely with the touch of a finger.

Built-In home theater package with Subwoofer
Home theater is one of the fastest growing upgrades in the new home market today. Today’s homes are capable of “better than the movies” audio quality which makes viewing movies at home much more entertaining. If you have ever watched a movie at a home equipped with Dolby Digital surround sound then you how exciting a movie can really be.
We install top quality built-in home theater systems with professional grade speakers. All you need to do in plug your receiver into the wiring provided by our company and you will be ready to enjoy your next movie in surround sound on your custom built-in home theater speaker system.

In-Ceiling speaker pair with volume control
Enjoy your music throughout your home. Professional grade speakers installed in pairs in selected areas of your home. Each pair of speakers comes with a professional grade volume control.
With this system, you can listen to your favorite music in any (or every) room in your home. All you have to do is decide which rooms you want speakers in and we will take care of the installation during the construction of your home.

Video doorbell system

Whole house Central-Vacuum System
A built-in central vacuum cleaning system is one of the most useful convenience items you can choose for your new home. The cleaning power of a central vacuum is several times more powerful than a traditional portable vacuum cleaner. The powerful central motor is located in your garage and our company installs piping throughout your home to strategically located vacuum inlets. The included hose provides you with a 30 foot reach in any direction from each of the inlets.
The best reason for having a central vacuum system, other than the time and labor saved from lugging around an inefficient portable vacuum cleaner, is because it is much healthier. Traditional portable vacuum cleaners exhaust through a bag which is vented right back into your home. Most of the larger dirt particles are trapped inside of the bag, but the smaller particles of dirt & dust (not to mention odor) are blown back into the air which eventually settles back onto your furniture, bedding, dishes and everywhere else in your home. (This is why you have to dust after you vacuum with traditional vacuum cleaners.) Also stirred back up into the air is pollen, bacteria, viruses, mold spores, fungus spores, dust & house mites and numerous other microorganisms.
Simply put, a central vacuum cleaning system is one of the healthiest decisions you can make for your new home. Order your central vacuum system through your Realtor and you will have a healthy home from day one.